Saturday, January 31, 2009

John Piper's New Book Finally Alive

John Piper is about to release his next book Finally Alive and I am very excited about it. Check out the preview at:

Friday, January 30, 2009

Trial, Good, & Glory

If we were to play a game of " which one doesn't belong" the answer
would be trial. That is if you were just playing a game. But in life
all three words have an intimate and holy connection.

As I finish the last few verses of Genesis I also finish the story of
the life of Joseph. His life has been such an inspiration for me, and
it culminated at the end with these verses Gen 50: 19-21. Jacob,
Joseph's father, had just passed away and Joseph's brothers had great
fear that he would seek revenge on them for selling him into slavery
now that their father had passed, but Joseph said this, "do not fear,
for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me,
but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should
be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear; I will provide for
you and your little ones. Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to

So now if I were to see those three words together, you would not have
Enough breath in your lungs to pursade me to pick one that does not

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blogging the Institues : Day 20 1.12.3 - 1.13.3

Many will strife over the terminology that we use to describe the Holy Trinity (rest assured that there is unshakable biblical truth that lays out the doctrine of the Holy Trinity) but can you imagine how difficult it is to put the essence of God into human words? Therefore do not be stumped by the use of words or complex descriptions we can create surrounding the Holy Trinity, simply rely on the power of the Word.

Deut 6:4
"Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one."
Gen 1:27
"Let us make man in our image"
2 Cor 13:14
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and teh fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
1 Cor 12:4-6
"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varietites of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone."
Matt 28:29-20
"baptizing them in [or unto] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

What a masterful design.

Blogging the Institues : Day 19 1.11.3 - 1.12.2

The bottom line when it comes to false gods, idols, and man made deities is this:

"that unless everything peculiar to divinity is confined to God alone, he is robbed of his honor, and his worship is violated."

Blogging the Institues : Day 18 1.11.7 - 1.11.12

How Calvin describes the idols of his time, "For what are the pictures or statues to which they append the names of saints, but exhibitions of the most shameless luxury or obscenity?", reminds me of the pitfall idols of this country, instead of naming them saints, we name them entertainment.

"For as a murderer or an adulterer will not escape conviction by giving some adventitious name to his crime, so it is absurd for them to expect that the subtle device of a name will exculpate them, if they, in fact, differ in nothing from idolaters whom they themselves are forced to condemn."

Its not what you call it, its what place it occupies in your heart.

Day 20

"His (God's) immensity surely ought to deter us form measuring Him by our sense."


To make this clear think about how God is three "persons" yet one!  Do you like to have your mind boggled? I do. If you do, then just ponder the Trinity!  How majestic is He!

Day 19

There will be many on that day that will say, "Lord did I not _______ in your name? And He will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you".

Day 18

Add plastic to the list of idol raw materials

Day 17

What are my created images? My man-made gods?

Blogging the Institutes - Day 16

"The law of the Lord kills its readers when it is dissevered from the grace of Christ, and only sounds in the ear without touching the heart. But if it is effectually impressed on the heart by the Spirit; if it exhibits Grist, it is the word of life converting the soul, and making wise the simple. No, in the very same passage, the apostle calls his own preaching the ministration of the Spirit (2 cor 3:8), intimating that the Holy Spirit so cleaves to his own truth, as he has expressed it in Scripture, that he then only exerts and puts forth his strength when the word is received with due honor and respect."


"The word is the instrument by which the illumination of the Spirit is dispersed."


One major problem with the Church today is the ignoring of the Holy Spirit as a member of the Triune God and the role it places in the transformation, sanctification, conviction, and empowerment of our lives.  Without the Holy Spirit the words of Scripture are ink on a page.  Our depraved hearts would never accept the words in the Bible.  It takes the Holy Spirit occupying our hearts for it to be illuminated.  This trend is so odd because as I study the word the evidence of the Holy Spirit's role is so evident.  Many can quote the "Fruits of the Spirit" but do we realize what that passage is talking about?  It is the evidence of the Holy Spirit occupying our hearts!  Yeah it seems simply but yet we refuse to give up control and simply rely and rest in God, the Triune God, which includes the Holy Spirit!


Part 2


In Jer 9:24 God tells us what He wants us to understand about Him. What is it?

1)      His loving-kindness which alone our safety depends

2)      His judgment which is daily exercised on the wicked and awaits in severer form for eternal destruction

3)      His Righteousness by which the faithful are preserved and cherished


"The prophet declares that when you understand these, you are amply furnished with the means of glorying in God."


I pray that these attributes of God would enter my mind, heart, and soul.  The effect should be worship.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blogging the Institutes : Day 17 1.11.2 - 1.11.6

How can man conceive that he has the power to craft, with earth resources, a deity which to worship. Does that not in itself disprove the authority of the deity? I think so.

Yet as a fallen people we must maintain guard, "In the fact that the people every now and then rushed forth with boiling haste in pursuit of idols, just like water gushing forth with violence from a copious spring, let us learn how prone our nature is to idolatry, that we may not by throwing the whole blame on a common vice upon the Jews, be led away by vain and sinful enticements to sleep the sleep of death."

As Augustine states: "Those who first introduced images of the gods both took away fear and brought in error."

Monday, January 26, 2009

Blogging the Institutes : Day 16 1.9.3 - 1.11.1

"Moreover, the knowledge of God, which is set before us in the Scriptures, is designed for the same purpose as that which shines in creation, i.e., that we may thereby learn to worship him with perfect integrity of heart and unfeigned obedience, and also to depend entirely on his goodness."

At this point in our journey we have delved into the natural knowledge of God through Creation and the Guide we have been given to find the deeper attributes of our Creator within the Scriptures. I hope that anyone who is in this journey would have begun to find God in unexpected places, for it it is such a thrill to be in the presence of God when you least expect it.

Blogging the Institues : Day 15 1.8.10 - 1.9.2

There is not a group of pages, bound together to form a book, that holds a candle to the majesty, glory, storytelling, architecture, or reverence as those that were given to us from God. How masterfully He created His Book, and oh how His providence was displayed by His keeping on His Book:

"let us rather attend to the care which the Lord took to preserve his word, when against all hope he rescued it from the truculence of a most cruel tyrant as from the midst of the flames, inspiring pious priests and others with such constancy that they hesitated not, though it should have been purchased at the expense of their lives, to transmit this treasure to posterity, and defeating the keenest search of prefects and their satellites."

And if that were not enough, what human irony we find in whom He would choose to be guardian of His Book, none other than "The Jews, the bitterest enemies of Christ; and hence Augustine justly calls them the librarians of the Christian church, because they supplied us with books of which they themselves had not the use."


And if that were not enough, whom did God choose to be the messengers of His Word? None other than a tax collector, who was "fixed to his money-table", rude and illiterate fisherman, who had never learned in any human school, a cruel and bloody foe to Christ, "that a heavenly power had compelled him to preach".

And if that were not enough, "When thus powerfully assailed on every side, how could it have resisted if it had trusted only to human aid? No, its divine origin is more completely reestablished by the fact, that when all human wishes were against it, it advanced by it own energy."

And that is just a taste. We must thank God for giving us the faith to believe.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 15

“Who does not recognize it as a signal and miraculous work of God, that those sacred monuments which the ungodly persuaded themselves had utterly perished, immediately returned to resume their former rights and indeed, in greater honor?”

It simply wouldn’t happen, with so many enemies of the Word it must be divine providence that the Book has survived. Do you know of a book like this? Do you know of a book that millions have died for? Is that not another degree of evidence of the Absolute Truth?

Even still, many will not see.

“It is a foolish to attempt to prove to men that the scripture is the Word of God. This cannot be known to be, except by faith.”

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blogging the Institutes : Day 14 1.8.2 -1.8.8

All those who doubt the accuracy and divine authorship of the Holy
Scriptures, please take a short amount of time, for that is all you
will need, to study prophets.

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Day 14

“Let each of the prophets be examined, and not one will be found who dos not rise far higher than human reach.”

I just watched Calvin blow up any dispute on the Bible simply by looking at Moses. The way these guys wrote, lived, and the events of their lives are simply beyond anything a man could accomplish by his own two hands. The miracles of the OT are undeniable. The prophecies are consistently fulfilled. The manner in which these sacred writings have survived is simply amazing and evidence of its divine nature.

Day 13

Why do you have confidence in the Word of God? Why don’t you?
Does this responsibility lie on the Church? Can the Church even perform such a task?

The answer first is no. Only by faith, which is give and sustained in the occupation of the heart by the Holy Spirit, can one have total confidence in the Word of God. That is the fact. Left up to yourself you will never have total confidence in the Word. You flesh wont let you. It despises the Truth. One application of this truth is that you have no power to transfer your confidence to another. That does not forgive laziness or a no discipleship, but it does provide the freedom needed when approaching a depraved world with Truth they hate. Need help battling discouragement? Realize it isn’t up to you. Cast the seeds, till the land, water the plants but you don’t cause the dead seed to come alive!!!!

Our confidence is a Gift. Do you have confidence?

“The only true faith is that which the Spirit of God seals on our hearts.”

Day 12

God’s works are mirrors of His deity, leaving no man an excuse not to acknowledge His existence. But to guide us properly to Himself, He has given us His Word. Calvin uses an analogy of a man who has a vision problem trying to read without glasses. He really has no idea what he is looking at. So it is with the man who tries to grasp God with the Scriptures! How blessed we are to have His words! We begin with a knowledge of God’s existence exhibited in His creation then He supplies the Scripture to learn the true marks which distinguish Him from all other false gods.

“God invariably accompanies His word with sure testimony.”

It is amazing to think about the different ways God made truth known. We have the Bible; the patriarchs had his voice and works. This simply floors me. He didn’t have to do this. He does it for Himself and we are the undeserving benefactors of God loving Himself and seeking glory for himself. I want it no other way… at least that’s what I pray. As a selfish man I will always pray this prayer.

Question – How do you take advantage of having God’s spoken word? Do you take advantage of it at all?

Day 11

“Seeing the wisest men disagree over God many men chose the safety in saying there exists no God at all.”

“It were indeed, a strange defense for man to pretend that he has no ears to hear the truth, while dumb creators have voices loud enough to declare it; to allege that he is unable to see that which creatures without eyes demonstrate, to excuse himself on the ground of weakness of mind, while all creatures without reason are able to teach.”

This is proof of our depravity and our utter dependence of the Holy Spirit’s occupation and transformation in our hearts for any hope of Glory. All things point to God, no excuses.

Day 10

We all benefit by being created in God’s image. Blessed with love, joy, relationships but many love the gifts and totally ignore the giver.

“From the power of God we are naturally led to consider His eternity, since that from which all other things derive their origin must necessarily be self-existent and eternal.”

Ps 145:9 - From His tender mercies are over all his works.

Why does God provide this to us? For His Goodness. It is so important that we not err and thing he created all things for us. This thought pattern is destroying true worship by denying our depravity and God’s needlessness. Only when we recognize the motive of Creation is God’s own glory can we correctly respond to it in worship, fear, and reverence.

“How richly does He supply us with the means of contemplating His mercy when, as frequently happens, He continues to visit us miserable sinners with unwearied kindness, until He subdues their depravity, and woos them back with more than a parent’s fondness.”

Even our acknowledgement of His goodness comes as a result of His wooing! Less of me, more of You.

“Ps 107 infers that those things which all men call fortune, are so many proofs of divine providence, and more especially of paternal clemency, furnishing ground of joy to the righteous, and at the same time stopping the mouths of the ungodly. Conducting all things in perfect accordance with reason.”

Acts 17:27 – We need not go far to search for God.

The result of these truths is worship and an elevated hope of future life. If He gives all this on earth, Oh what we have to look forward to in heaven!

We simply ignore all His manifestations of goodness, receiving no benefit from what is free and better than anything.

Do you look at the sky more for weather patterns than to see the visible handy work of God?


Sorry for the delay in posting, it’s taken 4 days to thaw from a recent trip to Chicago. My southern bones had never felt -13 degrees with a wind chill of -35degrees! But I survived.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blogging the Institutes : Day 13 1.7.3 - 1.8.1

The primary difference between God's Word and any other writing is, well, it was written by God. And with His authorship comes divine power. This divine power is woven into every letter of the Scriptures and therefore wields the one-of-a-kind power to produce belief in it. As Calvin says, "if we look at it with clear eyes, and unblessed judgment, it will forthwith present itself with a divine majesty which will subdue our presumptuous opposition, and force us to do it homage."

Doubts may arise in those that say, how can we trust man to write on behalf of the Almighty God, for if all man is depraved how could he record the thoughts of a perfect God. We can have security through this divine power of the Scriptures for it is as well, in His elect, through the power of the Holy Spirit. For it is the Holy Spirit that "must penetrate our hearts, in order to convince us that they (the prophets) faithfully delivered the message with which they were divinely entrusted." For Isaiah 59:21 says "My Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the Lord." God has inscribed, on the hearts of His elect, His words, protected by the Holy Spirit. Words that have not changed, even as generation after generation has passed.

For those that are troubled, Calvin end chapter 7 with a few words of encouragement:

"If at anytime, then, we are troubled at the small number of those that believe, let us, on the other hand, call to mind, that none comprehend the mysteries of God save those to whom it is given."

As chapter 8 opens Calvin aims to show the credibility of Scripture through the realm of natural reason. If you have ever spent much time in the footnotes and/or cross-references in your bible you will be quick to side with Calvin's first appeal to natural reason, The Providential Arrangement of Scriptures, and if you have spent much time in the verses themselves, The Language of Scripture. Let me not get in way of Calvin here,

"For it is wonderful how much we are confirmed in our belief, when we more attentively consider how admirably the system of divine wisdom contained in it is arranged -- how perfectly free the doctrine is from every thing that savors of earth -- how beautifully it harmonizes in all its parts -- and how rich it is in all the other qualities which give an air of majesty to composition."

"For it was not without an admirable arrangement of providence, that the sublime mysteries of the kingdom of heaven have for the greater part been delivered with a contemptible meanness of words. Had they been adorned with a more splendid eloquence, the wicked might have caviled, and alleged that this constituted all their force. But now, when an unpolished simplicity, almost bordering on rudeness, makes a deeper impression than the loftiest flights of oratory, what does it indicate if not that they Holy Scriptures are too might in the power of truth to need the rhetorician's art."

As eloquent as Calvin conveys his points, the real power comes in the statements' truth!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 12: 1.6.2 - 1.7.2

How gracious is our Heavenly Father who saw it fit, from the very beginning, to provide His children with such a gift as the Holy Scriptures. As Calvin eloquently points out, that while we should exhaustively use our eyes to see the works of God, since God saw it fit to put us square in the middle of the "most glorious theater that he may be a spectator of them," our "special duty is to give ear to the word, that (we) may the better profit." For the more you prayerfully read Scripture the more and more you feel wrapped in the divine arms of God's Love.

Calvin states, "If true religion is to beam upon us, our principle must be, that it is necessary to begin with heavenly teaching, and that it is impossible for any man to obtain even the minutest portion of right and sound doctrine without being a disciple of Scripture.

I often find myself wanting to read more and more scripture and it becomes "The Battle of the Books", puritan v. apostle or Piper v. Paul, as even the Godliest pursuits of knowledge can take away from what should be our first principle to "begin with heavenly teaching." I pray that I may always be first grounded in scripture. Calvin states that we should "consider the brightness of the divine countenance, which even an apostle declares to be inaccessible, is kind of labyrinth -- a labyrinth to us inextricable, if the word do not serve us as a thread to guide our path; and that it is better to limp in the way, that run with the greatest swiftness out or it."

Thank you once again oh Mighty God, for you have protected your divine words, that our depraved souls may have at all time, a glimps of what you are, and that you are "I AM."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 11: 1.5.12 - 1.6.1

As Calvin draws to a close his analysis of the knowledge of God in all Creation he issues a strict warning, that man's mind is like a labyrinth, with each of them creating a new way to their own version of God. He puts to bed this idea of a man made god, saying "But what right have mortals thus to decide of their own authority in a manner which is far above the world."

Calvin spent years re-editing and re-organizing his Institutes, and therefore it comes at no surprise that he immediately follows the warning of man's effort to create a knowledge of God, with an analysis of where man should go for true understanding regarding our Creator God, the Scriptures. I shall not attempt to butcher the analogy Calvin presents:

"For as the aged, or those whose sight is defective, when any book, however fair, is set before them, though they perceive that there is something written are scarcely able to make out two consecutive words, but, when aided by glasses, begin to read distinctly, so Scripture, gathering together the impressions of Deity, which, till then, lay confused in our minds, dissipates the darkness, and shows us the true God clearly."

We can only discover the existence and the surface of God through His Creation, for a clear picture we must find ourselves planted deep in the pages of Scripture, for within those pages we see God clearly, and in turn discover ourselves more clearly.

Day 10: 1.5.6 - 1.5.11

As Calvin continues to walk us through seeing God in all areas of Creation, we are reminded "Let each of us, therefore, in contemplating his own nature, remember that there is one God who governs all make Him the object of our faith, worship, and adoration" For who are we to question His power and providence? "How glorious the manifestations by which he urges us to the contemplation of himself; unless, indeed, we pretend not to know whose energy it is that by a word sustains the boundless fabric of the universe."

Wake Up! Our God is the Creator. He holds the power of His creation. We are His Creation. He holds the power over us.

In His providence we find joy, not of the fleeting kind, but joy of the soul, joy of peace, peace that passes all understanding. How great and merciful you are oh God! You have poured out on us Grace upon Grace through your Son! "How richly does he supply us with the means of contemplating his mercy when, as frequently happens, he continues to visit miserable sinners with unwearied kindness, until he subdues their depravity, and woos them back with more than a parent's fondness."

"The wonders of the divine wisdom in this respect are more in number than the hairs of our head."

At this moment I feel so small under the umbrella of God's grace and mercy

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 9: 1.5.2 - 1.5.5

The knowledge of God is inescapable. We have His image woven into our creation, and we have His Creation woven into our daily lives. This was not by circumstance. God created us to see Him, for His glory, in every moment, action, movement, sound, taste, desire, and emotion.

"In attestation of his wondrous wisdom, both the heavens and the earth present us with innumerable proofs, not only those more recondite proofs which astronomy, medicine, and all the natural sciences are designed to illustrate, but proofs which force themselves on the notice of the most illiterate peasant, who cannot open his eyes without beholding them."

In the realization that we are His offspring, made in His image, we acknowledge this "excellent gift which He has endued us attesting that He is our Father ... No one, indeed, will voluntarily and wilingly devote hiself to the service of God unless he previously tasted his paternal love, and been thereby allured to love and reverence Him.

We would think this would be our only desire, but leave it to man to banish the true God from His own intracate creation and turn His Creation into its own deity. For as Calvin points out, it has been said that "Nature is God," and it "may be piously used, if dictated by a pious mind; but as it is inaccurate and harsh (Nature being more properly the order which has been established by God), in matters which are so important, and in regard to which special reverence is due, it does harm to confound (misake one thing for another) the Deity with the inferior operations of His hands."

How could we deny the Creator the glory for His creation?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blogging the Institutes - Day 9

No man can deny that there exists in us different levels of understanding. Some men are blessed with the skill of comprehension and others blessed to build. Calvin says regardless of the blessing no one with eyes can ignore the divine skill in creation. This is furnished to every man!

" Not only that the human race is a bright mirror of the Creator's works, but that infants hanging on their mothers breast have tongues eloquent enough to proclaim the glory of God without the aid of other orators"

Simply look at yourself.

Let scientist try and explain the complexity of the human body and deny a creator with the same breath.

Simply put, there exists no excuse a man could make for not submitting to a knowledge of God. Look to the sky or at the wonder of the human body and the evidence is clear. The verdict is easy to submit. God is real, His creation displays His character and man falls way short of any kind of divine nature.

Let us who believe gain confidence and be glad that the burden of proof lies not on those who say there is a God, but those who say there isn't. For their task is impossible and exhausting. Yet only a totally depraved mind could live, breath and see and still attribute no praise, honor, or glory to a Creator.

Oh the state from which we all have come to believe. What a work was done in our hearts to make the stone bleed.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 8: 1.4.1 - 1.5.1 Part II

There was quite a dramatic shift in emotion and topic from Chapter 4 to Chapter 5 that I could not find a may to mix the two ideas, thankfully I don't have to!

It honestly crossed my mind to just type out the entire 1.5.1 section.

We not only have the knowledge of God imprinted on our being, we also have his creation around us to serve as a daily reminder that "we cannot open our eyes without being compelled to behold him. His essence, indeed, is incomprehensible, utterly transcending all human thought; but on each of his works his glory is engraved in characters so bright, so distinct, and so illustrious, that none, however dull and illiterate, can plead ignorance as their excuse."

I try and notice the little things in life. Living in the middle of the biggest city in the Southeast at times makes it seem like there is nothing little at all to look at. But with God I have no worries, for as I continue to fix my eyes upon Him, He shows me that all is his creation, large and small, and oh how perfectly he conducts His orchestra titled "earth".


Day 8: 1.4.1 - 1.5.1 Part I

We get a slight window into Calvin's feelings for the misrepresentation of God in chapter 4 (just a hint of sarcasm).

"Mingled vanity and pride appear in this, that when miserable men do seek after God, instead of ascending higher than themselves as they ought to do, they measure him by their own carnal stupidity, and neglecting solid inquiry, fly off to indulge their curiosity in vain speculation. Hence, they do not conceive of him in the character in which he is manifested, but imagine him to be whatever their own rashness has devised."

We hear very few men of God speak like this today, I wish there were more, and I hope to be one.

Humbly I wounder about the mind of an atheist as at some point they have wrestled internally with God or as Calvin puts it "occasionally dragged before the divine tribunal", for I know the reference I have for God based on His sovereignty, but I also know His Grace, for the atheist does not have that merciful luxury.

Day 7: 1.2.2 - 1.3.3

"For how can the idea of God enter your mind without instantly giving rise to the thought, that since you are his workmanship, you are bound, by the very law of creation, to submit to his authority? that your life is due to him? that whatever you do ought to have reference to him? If so, it undoubtedly follows that your life is sadly corrupted."

This is why as Christians we must outwardly show our devotion and dedication to His great Name! For if we walk around "with an idea of God" and it doesn't make us bow, then how would we ever expect those that are just beginning to search for the true idea of God to understand that we are bound, we should submit, our life is due, we should show reference because He is our Creator, not the other way around.

As we launch into Chapter 3 Calvin begins to explain how the knowledge of God is naturally implanted in the human mind because we are His creation. He opens with this great line:

"That there exists in the human minds and indeed by natural instinct, some sense of deity, we hold to be beyond dispute, since God himself, to prevent any man from pretending ignorance, has endued all men with some idea of his Godhead, the memory of which he constantly renews and occasionally enlarges, that all to a man being aware that there is a God, and that he is their Maker, may be condemned by their own conscience when they neither worship him nor consecrate their lives to his service"

Even idolatry points to the fact that man has an imprint of a Creator, and as an act of the wicked they desperately try to separate themselves from that innate imprint, so they look to lower objects such as wood and animals to fill that imprint.

Calvin ends with, "Whence we infer, that this is not a doctrine which is first learned at school, but one as to which every man is, from the womb, his own master; one which nature herself allows no individual to forget, though many, with all thier might, strive to do."

From experience I have felt the unease of a life without direction from and connection to our Holy Father.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 8

"When miserable men do seek after God they measure Him by their own carnal stupidity"

Romans 1:22 – Thinking to be wise, they became fools.


How obvious it is that every man will face the existence and knowledge of God on this earth and effectually in Heaven, however, boasting in their own pride cast their own understanding and superstitions on Him rather than subject themselves to the Truth and  actually enjoy Him.  This failure is not just in disbelief but a failure to respond to God in the appropriate way, reverent fear and unending worship.


The result is a man who seeks security more than the Will of God. 


"Every man who indulges in security, after extinguishing all fear of divine judgment, virtually denies that there is a God." 


The most saddening and frightening fact is that this issue is not one the church avoids but willingly plays a starring role.  Men sit in the pews solely to feel the security of not opposing God, then walk on the wide path that leads to destruction.  Families then are destroyed by the hypocrisy.  These men then, acknowledging that there is some God, rob Him of His glory by denying His power. All this is not to say there is no hope, for there are great men, who knowing God, despise Satan, his attempts to lead them astray and war against their own flesh!


This knowledge of God is not difficult to see if one would simply open their eyes! 


"He has chosen to make it where we can not open our eyes without being compelled to behold Him! On each of His works His glory is engraved in characters so bright, so distinct, and so illustrious, that none, however dull and illiterate, can plead ignorance as their excuse."


Do you see His works that way?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blogging the Institutes - Day 7

" The effect of our knowledge of God ought to be, first, to teach us reverence and fear, and secondly, to induce us, under its guidance and teaching, to ask every good thing from Him, and, when it is received, ascribe it to Him."

Is is that simple? No, obviously not evidenced by our consistency in not. The right knowledge of God will lead you to understand God as being Provider, the source of all good things if you need; Father, bound to respect His authority; Lord, to reverence His majesty-aim at the advancement of His glory- and obey His commands; Finally, Judge, armed with severity to punish crimes and the rewarder of righteousness.

Genuine knowledge brings about confidence coupled with serious fear, fear leading to willing reverence and legitimate worship. Lives get turned upside down when people seriously consider who God is. Everyman will consider it, few will rightly respond.

The right response is worship. That is what its means to "ascribe to God". Give credit to Him for all that you have, see, feel, hear. For nature preaches this sermon ever since He said "let there be light".

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 6: 1.1.1 - 1.2.1

There should be a warning on the cover of this book,

"Please do not attempt to highlight me, unless you enjoy colored paper."

I try and pick a few select quotes that stand out to me throughout these readings, I have decided to stop that for the fear on not being able to read this work at a later date and have found great use for the [ and ].

Calvin's words are God saturated. Meaning his existence simply would not have made sense outside the belief of a Creator and Redeemer God. He begins his confession with the observance of the knowledge of God and of ourselves mutually connected. I've learned, and in life have experienced, that we cannot know ourselves without knowing God, for in looking at ourselves we see "our feeling of ignorance, vanity, want, weakness, in sort, depravity and corruption" and it reminds us "that in the Lord, and none but he, dwell the true light of wisdom, solid virtue, and exuberant goodness."

Taking a deeper look at ourselves sheds light on the characteristics of God, for as a fallen sinner, what I am, is what God is not. We can only come to the determination that we are ignorant, vain, and depraved, only if we have a measure of which we are comparing. That measuring stick is God. Through the examination of our nature, we in turn see the opposite as the nature of God.

Calvin goes on to show us that even through the act of self-realization of sin, we only come to the footstool of the true knowladge of God, for Isaiah says, "The moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of Hosts shall reign." as Calvin explains, " he shall exibit his refulgence, and given a nearer view of it, the brightest objects will, in comparison, be covered with darkness."

"But though the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves are bound together by a mutual tie, due arrangement requires that we treat of the former in the first place, and then descend to the latter."

What is it to know God:

Calvin lays out a two-fold knowledge of God:
  1. Creator God
  2. Redeemer God
Meaning that we must first come to the understanding of the Creator God, in order to see the "fountain of all goodness" that flows from His creation. This understanding of the goodness of God will then persuade us to not only know that "He once formed the world", but also that he "sustains it by his boundless power, governs it by his wisdom, perserves it by his goodness, in particular, rules the human race with justice and judgment, bears with them in mercy, shields them by his protection; but also that not a particle of light, or wisdom, or justice, or power, or rectitude, or genuine truth, will anywhere be found, which does not flow from him, and of which he is not the cause; in this way we must learn to expect and ask all things from him, and thankfully ascribe to him whatever we recieve."

This knowledge of God will then lead men to feeling as if he owes everything to God (which he does!), that they "are cherished by his paternal care, and that he is the author of all their blessings, so that naught is to be looked for away from him, they will never submit to him in voluntary obedience; no, unless they place their entire happiness in him, they will never yeild up their whole selves to in truth and sincerity."


Blogging the Institutes - Day 6

How can we begin to know anything about ourselves with knowing first our very existence is a result of the life sustaining power of God? And as a result of the fall we can see the disconnect between being made in the image of God yet now aware of unhappiness and suffering. The more I learn about myself the greater my desire for God and His redemption. This is the humbling result of self-contemplation! For an honest man can see no good in himself. But you only see this by comparing yourself to the Holy God. But how easily we miss it!

"For since we are all naturally prone to hypocrisy, any empty semblance of righteousness is quite enough to satisfy us instead of righteousness itself."

Abraham, Moses, Job, Elijah, Isaiah and many more got the depravity of man. Comparing ourselves to the world we grow proud and content; when the comparison is with a Holy God, we fall on our face broken, humble, and thankful for the free gift of righteousness through Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

Confidence is continued by reflecting of God being Creator. Not just that he formed the world but He sustains it by His boundless power, governs it by His wisdom, preserves it by His goodness, rules the human race with justice and judgment, bears with them in mercy, and shields them by His protection; Not only that but every truth, ounce of wisdom, or power flow from Him.

Until a man feels he owes everything to God due to who HE is and what he himself is not, he will never submit to Him voluntarily. That is the connection between knowledge of God and knowledge of self. The latter can only be truly seen in light of the former.

Visualizing Scripture

As I continue my quest to read through the bible this year I am constantly confronted with the stories of great events (Abraham's trip with Isaac, John Baptizing Jesus, Peter and John in The courts of Solomon, Stephen's speech) and just wonder in amazement what it may have been like to be there in that moment.

When reading the bible through prayer, everything seems so visual and I can't possibly imagine every reading another passage without first entering into one-on-one
communication with God. It makes all the difference.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blogging the Institues - Day 5

Speaking of the doctrine Calvin defends.... "It is undeservedly charged with evils which ought to be ascribed to the malice of Satan. It is one of the characteristics of the divine word, that whenever it appears, Satan ceases to slumber and sleep. This is the surest and most unerring test for telling it from false doctrines which readily betray themselves, while they are received by all with willing ears, and welcomed by an applauding world."

Again I am encouraged for I am surrounded by the kinds of people who throw fiery darts because of this doctrine. There are a couple of possible responses to such a time.

1) Disband the team
2) Hide from the truth
3) Proclaim the Truth that has set you free, knowing that it will be "a savor of death to those who don't belief".

Do the research
Luke 2:34
2 Corth 2:16

Stand up regardless of what people say... period.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 5: Prefactory 7

In Calvin's conclusion to the preface, he points to the work of Satan when Truth shows up, as he states, "It is one of the characteristics of the divine word, that whenever it appears, Satan ceases to slumber and sleep." But how graciously he says that Satan's work "will be in vain if we only listen to the admonition of the Lord, who long ago disclosed his (Satan's) wiles, that we might not be taken unawares, and armed us with full protection against all his machinations." What a description "machinations" or, crafty schemes! Calvin goes on to pour out his soul saying they could not possibly give up on this fight, for if the Truth goes, how will other see the Glory of God.

As he closes in what we have seen to be his characteristic unmoveable faith he states that even though the King may not see this true doctrine, they will "wait, for with patience they may still have thier souls, and wait for the strong hand of the Lord , which, DOUBTLESS, will appear in its own time, as show itself armed, both to rescue the poor from affliction, and also take vengeance on the despisers, who are now exulting so securely."


Thank God for granting a man, a lowly man, this insight and strength. For we all have benifient greatly whether we acknowlade it or not.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 4 - Prefactory 5-6

What a great previous post that I will attempt to pick up where the last sentence falls...

Thank you Calvin for setting an example of diligent defense. By making statements like this in the face of all opposition.

  • Now, therefore, let them, if they will, object to us both past ages and present examples; if we sancitfy the Lord of Hosts we shall not be greatly afraid.
  • The church of Christ assuredly has lived, and will live, as long as Christ shall reign at the right had of the Father. By his hand it is sustained, by his protection defended, by his might power preserved in safety. For what he once undertook he will undoubtedly perform, he will be with his people always, "even to the end of the world".
  • We, on the contrary, maintain, both that the church may exist without any apparent form, and, moreover, that the form is not ascertained by the external splendor which they foolishly admire, but by a very different mark, namely, bt the pure preaching of teh word of God, and the due administration of teh sacraments.
  • Let them go, then, and cling to the external mask, while they make Christ and all the prophets of God schismatic, and, on the other hand, make Satan's ministers the organs of the Holy Spirit!
We must stand firm on doctrine as His Church. We must stand firm in our Faith as His Church. Once we lose our doctrine, once we lose our faith we will see the Vengeance of God handed down to his "church".

"It was thus that God, in past ages, punished the ingratitude of men: for after they had refused to obey his truth, and had extinguished his light, he allowed them, when blinded by sense, both to be deluded by lying vanities and plunged in think darkness, so that no face of a true church appeared."

Blogging the Institutes - Day 4

I love the church. What I mean by that is I love the support of fellow believers in Christ. But to be honest I find very little of that in the churches that surround me. That is not to say it does not exist, for I know of churches around the country where this is true. Many churches have elevated, to greatest importance, the outward image and cultural appeal above their dedication to the Word of God and the disciplining of their members. My aim is not to be another echo of criticism but to be an element of change. May we all who long to have the church act as individual members of one body, using our unique gifts together to make known the name and renown of Jesus Christ, come together and be elements of change. I pray it's my generation of 20 somethings that God uses to accomplish this great redemptive revival. Thank you Calvin for setting an example of diligent defense.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Prefactory 3-4

Calivn deals with two points in Prefactory 3-4:
  • Miracles
His opposition had begun to demand miracles to prove the Reformer's closeness with God, but as Calvin points out they "allege miracles which might produce wavering in minds otherwise well disposed; they are so frivolous and ridiculous, so vain and false." He goes on to point out that even if their misleading's were exceedingly wonderful, they could have no effect against the truth of God. For "the Lord put us on our gaurd against those wonder-workers when he foretold that false prohets would arise, who , by lying signs and diverse wonders would, if it were possible, deceive the very elect.
  • Doctrinal Overstep
The Reformers' had been accused that they were opposed to the ancient writters of Christianity. But as Calvin surely defends, it was thier doctrinal overstep, thier exaggeration of the teachings of those ancient writter, that produced this feeling of opposition. The defining statement in his defense, in my opinion, states "Still, in studying their writings, we have endeavored to remember, that all things are ours, to serve, not lord it over us, but that we are Christ's only, and must obey him in all things without exception. He who does not draw this distinction will not have any fixed principles in religion for those holy men were ignorant of many things, are often opposed to each other, and are sometimes at variance with themselves.

Simply stated, Rely on Christ's teaching, the ancient writters were holy men, but at time could error. Christ's teaching are error free and should the be rock of our principles of religion.

At this point we can see all of Calvin's concerns in our own surroundings, may we all be strengthed by his teachings, given that his teachings have been stregthend by the True Word.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 3

In Prefatory 3 you can hear Calvin's absolute confidence in the Word of God to stand up and defend Itself against all accusations. He takes it as such a simple task to bring down the claims of the "opponents" of Truth. In reality, for those that love the Word and have It abiding in them, this task is simple. I seek to have the Word so abundantly in my mind, heart, and soul that diffusing the most complex trap would be simple. It is key for me to understand that it isn't the weakness of the Bible that makes the task hard, it is my sinful nature that wars against my new heart. But throughout the study of the Word and the reading of "father Calvin", I pray I make great gains in my ability to stand firm in Truth. Praise God for the Bible and its unshakable consistency and strength to defend itself.

What A Gift

What a gift it is from God, that when you hear bad news and everyone
around you reacts with worry, your first thought is I Love You God.

This was sent from my iPhone.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 2: Prefactory 1-2

I can't help but first notice the courage and faith Calvin has in God to just write this short section. Addressing the King of France with such confidence surely shows his dedication and commitment to this doctrine. I would only hope that I would have the faith to make a statement such as:

"The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber."

Through his explanation as to why he would labor over such a work we see his heart, to glorify the God who "spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all".

This has been a sobering reminder that there may have never been in history a period of time when a people group has had as much freedom in celebrating, studying, and glorifying God in there own lives as we Americans. Yet very few would make a stance as Calvin has here. I pray that I may be that strong, may I not back down from anyone who confronts me with false doctrine.

A Simple Response

Peter and John had just finished preaching in Solomon's Portico (Acts 3) where they healed the lame begger when the Sadducees arrested them. Without a proper crime to punish the Sadducees came together and this was what they said, more importantly this was Peter and John's response:

17 But in order that it may spread no further among the people, let us warn them to speak no more to anyone in this name.” 18 So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, 20 for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”

I constantly pray that I may be able to respond to any doubters or skeptics in this way. A simple response, but a mightly statement.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 2

Training in Godliness is the aim on the Institutes because it is the aim of the godly. Calvin was aware, and I am being more aware, that in this training there are battles not just with personal temptation but with prideful people who, being tools of the devil, seek to destroy your joy and confidence in the Absolute Truth of the Word of God. I can not believe that I would escape the same treatment. These prideful people thus start their own sects with beliefs that support their own selfish pleasures then convince the weak to follow. Today I was again encouraged to boldly stand for Truth in the face of former friends, colleagues, and even family that being lost in their own minds, can't see it.

"Our confidence is a confidence which is not appalled by the terrors of death, and therefore not even by the judgement seat of God."

This kind of confidence is only found by trusting in the Truth of the Bible.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 1: The Reader

"Farewell, kind reader: if you derive any benefit from my labors, aid me with your prayers to our heavenly Father"

Farewell. Could there have been a more perfect word to launch into this work. I believe not, as to read this work and make it through, you must say Farewell to the person you once knew when you first cracked the cover.

May we all prayerfully be guided through these pages.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 1

Just reading Calvin's words is like throwing a huge dry piece of pine on the fire of my soul. Here in this small letter to readers (probably never realizing they would be in the 21st century) he encourages all of us who stand for truth to defend it with boldness. Even Calvin's many critics could not quench his singular purpose in standing up for the Word of God. He even calls the devil a fool for thinking he and his "crew" could cool his zeal! May I have the same confidence when satan and his "crew" come after me. It made me laugh a little when Calvin calls this book "easy for anyone".... we shall see.

Recognizing God's Vision

It can be very difficult noticing God's Vision, it sometimes can be even more difficult to notice if it is right in front of your face! Dr. Youseff put it like this:

"Like teenage boys will look at a fridge full of food and say there is nothing good to eat, we as Christians will at times look at our current situation or location and say there is nothing here that is part of God’s Vision for me”


Pray. Chances are there is much for you to eat!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Blogging Calvin's Institutes

2009 marks John Calvin's 500th Birthday, and in line with reformation21 we will be reading/blogging through Calivn's Insitutes throughout 2009. Reading starts on Jan 5th so you still have a few days to get on the train!