Friday, February 27, 2009

Blogging the Institutes - Day 40

Philosophers come in all shapes and sizes these days but their message hasn't changed.

"For they, when exhorting man to know himself, state the motive to be, that he may not be ignorant of his own excellence and dignity. They wish him to see nothing in himself but what will fill him with vain confidence, and inflate him with pride."

Even men behind the pulpit exhibit this charge to their people. Blindly they lead the blind. I look forward to reading Calvin's rebuttal to the most man-centered, absolutely common, attribute of sinful men; Namely, the desire to make much of themselves.

I have been a believer for going on 8 years. By God's grace, through great influences, I was made aware of the condition of man after the fall. That we are totally depraved and void of any good. That being said, it has only been in the last two years that this truth has rightly humbled me, giving me a more correct knowledge of Grace. We have to know ourselves as utterly hopeless. Then, and only then, is grace truly grace! An undeserved favor, for if you think there is an ounce of good in you, your mind, being so wicked, will attribute God's favor on you, to your goodness. Paul warns us in his letter to Timothy that men will be lovers of themselves!

In addition Calvin says it so beautifully concerning the result of a right knowledge of self…

"It is impossible for us to think of our first original, or the end for which we were created, without being urged to meditate on immortality, and to seek the kingdom of God."

I love how Calvin teaches! He divides the knowledge man ought to have for himself into two questions.

1) What end was man created, what qualities were given to reach that divine worship and future life?

2) How is man to accomplish this?

The first question teaches what our duty is; the second makes us aware of how unable we are to perform it.

To begin to answer we must look at what exactly happened with Adam that caused such a "fearful vengeance on the whole human race". It wasn't the desire for pleasure from fruit. There were endless quantities and varieties to eat. It was Adam's pride that lead him to go beyond what God had permitted and eat of the forbidden tree. God gave this command to exercise and prove Adam's faith, and he did whatever he wanted…. Pride. But there is more to this because it was the woman who by the subtlety of the devil abandoned the command of God. So clearly her fall had it's origin in disobedience. At the same time Adam no only was ensnared by the devil, but despised the word of God and turned to the lies of satan.

"Assuredly, when the word of God is despised, all reverence for him is gone. His majesty cannot be duly honored among us, nor his worship maintained in its integrity, unless we hang as it were upon his lips."

So Infidelity, or the breaking of the rules of a relationship, is the source of the fall.

"From Infidelity sprang ambition and pride, together with ingratitude; because Adam, by longing for more than was allotted him, manifested contempt for the great liberality which God had given him."

"The strongest curb to keep all his (Adam's/Man's) affections under due restraint, would have been to belief that nothing was better than to cultivate righteousness by obeying the commands of God, and that the highest possible happiness was to be loved by Him."

So there is the clear explanation of what happened to plague the whole human race with vengeance. In response the honest man will admit it was a heinous crime for man to think he needed more that all God had given him. And now, in 2009, our revolt is no different. We see this curse clearly that every person born does this exact thing by nature. We reject the perfect truth of God for our own conjured truth. Thereby stealing His Glory and rejecting his truth, we tell Him, "You are no God, I am".

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Johnny Cash

Check out this post by Justin Taylor:

Blogging the Institutes - Day 39

As we close Book 1, what Calvin says in Ch 18. pt 3 is very appropriate...

Paraphrase ... " I have taught what is plain and clear in scripture. Those who want to disagree ought to beware of what they say. For if under ignorance the seek the praise of modesty, they could have no greater arrogance when they say "I think otherwise".

This is so encouraging because we as believers are beaten up and condemned as ignorant and loony to believe the doctrines Book 1 has covered. They are the foundation; the nature of God, God as Creator, The Fall, Sovereign Providence, and it is all true!

“Man sometimes with a good will wishes something which God does not will, as when a good son wishes his father to live, while God wills him to die. Again, it may happen that man with a bad will wishes what God wills righteously, as when a bad son wishes his father to die, and God also wills it. The former wishes what God wills not, the latter wishes what God also wills. And yet the filial affection of the former is more consonant to the good will of God, though willing differently, than the unnatural affection of the latter, though willing the same thing; so much does approbation or condemnation depend on what it is befitting in man, and what in God to will, and to what end the will of each has respect. For the things which God rightly wills, he accomplishes by the evil wills of bad men,” - Augustine

"If I mistake not, I have already shown clearly how the same act at once betrays the guilt of man, and manifests the righteousness of God. Modest minds will always be satisfied with Augustine’s answer, “Since the Father delivered up the Son, Christ his own body, and Judas his Master, how in such a case is God just, and man guilty, but just because in the one act which they did, the reasons for which they did it are different?” (August. Ep. 48, ad Vincentium). If any are not perfectly satisfied with this explanation—viz. that there is no concurrence between God and man, when by His righteous impulse man does what he ought not to do, let them give heed to what Augustine elsewhere observes: “Who can refrain from trembling at those Judgments when God does according to his pleasure even in the hearts of the wicked, at the same time rendering to them according to their deeds?” (De Grat. et lib. Arbit. ad Valent. c. 20). And certainly, in regard to the treachery of Judas, there is just as little ground to throw the blame of the crime upon God, because He was both pleased that his Son should be delivered up to death, and did deliver him, as to ascribe to Judas the praise of our redemption. Hence Augustine, in another place, truly observes, that when God makes his scrutiny, he looks not to what men could do, or to what they did, but to what they wished to do, thus taking account of their will and purpose. Those to whom this seems harsh had better consider how far their captiousness is entitled to any toleration, while, on the ground of its exceeding their capacity, they reject a matter which is clearly taught by Scripture, and complain of the enunciation of truths, which, if they were not useful to be known, God never would have ordered his prophets and apostles to teach. Our true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility, and without reservation, whatever the Holy Scriptures, have delivered. Those who indulge their petulance, a petulance manifestly directed against God, are undeserving of a longer refutation."

Blogging the Institutes Day 39 1.18.3 - 1.18.4

Calvin puts an appropriating ending to the first of three books with this statement,

"Those to whom this seems harsh [Providence of God, Will of God in good & evil) had better consider how far their captiousness (petty objections) is entitled to any toleration, while, on the ground of its exceeding their capacity, they reject a matter which is clearly taught by Scripture, and complain of the enunciation of truths, which, if they were not useful to be known, God never would have ordered his prophets and apostles to teach. Our true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility (obedience), and without reservation, whatever the holy Scriptures have delivered. Those who indulge their petulance (childish sulking), a petulance manifestly directed against God, are undeserving of a longer refutation."

And in everyday terms he is basically saying,

"I just laid it out for you. I backed it up with Scripture, I called names of those who object and addressed their objections. Now if you still can't understand, this may just be over your head. And if it is over your head, you might want to be careful about throwing objections at it. Because its all written in the holy Scriptures. So now, if you still object, well I really don't think anything I say will ever convince you."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blogging the Institutes Day 38 1.17.13 - 1.18.2

Isaiah 14:27

For the Lord of hosts has purposed,
and who will annul it?
His hand is stretched out,
and who will turn it back?

The Providence of God will be executed to the exact point at which He wills it to. There is no man or creature that can change this. As a child of God I have no fear in that statement. For those who are not, there is much sorrow.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 38

Job 1 shows that satan gets his form orders from God just as the angels, yet they have different ends. "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; as it pleased the Lord, so it has been done."

From this we see God was the author of that trial of which satan was a mere instrument. Acts 4:28 shows Pilate and his soldiers indulged in fury against Jesus; yet the disciples confess in prayer that all the wicked did nothing by what the hand and counsel of God had decreed.

"The sum of all this -- since the will of God is said to be the cause of all things, all the counsels and actions of men must be held to be governed by His Providence so that He not only exerts His power in the elect, who are guided by the Holy Spirit, but also forces the reprobate to do him service."

Pslam 40:16-17

"But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who
love your salvation say continually, "Great is the LORD!" As for me, I
am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help
and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!"

What great peace we have in Jesus, peace that penetrates past the mind
and to the heart. For the Lord takes thought FOR me. For he knows I
can't do it for myself.



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blogging the Institutes Day 37 1.17.8 - 1.17.12

Ok, so I know I put a lot of quotes in these blogs, and trust me, even that is a restraint from what I would like to include. But today I could not help myself, I think summarizing this passage would not do it justice. Shall we begin:

Here we are forcibly reminded of the inestimable felicity (intense happiness) of a pious (God Centered) mind. Innumerable are the ills which beset human life, and present death in as many different forms. Not to go beyond ourselves, since the body is a receptacle, no, the nurse, of a thousand diseases, a man cannot move without carrying along with him many forms of destruction. His life is in a manner interwoven with death. For what else can be said where heat and cold bring equal danger? Then, in what direction soever you turn, all surrounding objects not only may do harm, but almost openly threaten and seem to present immediate death. Go on board a ship, you are but a plank's breadth from death. Mount a horse, the stumbling of a foot endangers your life. Walk along the streets, every tile upon the roofs is a source of danger. If a sharp instrument is in your hand, or that of a friend, the possible harm is manifest. All the savage beast you see are so many beings armed for your destruction. Even within a high-walled garden, where everything ministers to delight, a serpent will sometimes lurk. Your house, constantly exposed to fire, threatens you with poverty by day, with destruction by night. Your fields, subject to hail, mildew, drought, and other injuries, denounce barrenness, and thereby famine. I say nothing of poison, treachery, robbery, some of which beset us at home, others follow us abroad. Amid there perils, must not man be very miserable, as one who, more dead than alive, with difficulty draws an anxious and feeble breath, just as if a drawn sword were constantly suspended over his neck? It may be said that these things happen seldom, at least not always, or to all, certainly never all at once. I admit it; but since we are reminded by the example of others, that they may also happen to us, and that our life is not an exception any more than theirs, it is impossible not to fear and dread as if they were to befall us. What can you imagine more grievous than such trepidation? Add that there is something like an insult to God when it is said, that man, the noblest of the creatures, stands exposed to every blind and random stroke of fortune. Here, however, we were only referring to the misery which man should feel, were he placed under the dominion of chance.

But when once the light of divine providence has illumined the believer's soul, he is relieved and set free, not only from the extreme fear and anxiety which formerly oppressed him, but from all care. For as he justly shudders at the idea of chance, so he can confidently commit himself to God. This I say, is his comfort, that his heavenly Father so embraces all things under his power--so governs them at will by his nod--so regulates them by his wisdom, that nothing takes place save according to his appointment; that received into his favor, and entrusted to the care of his angels, neither fire, nor water, nor sword, can do him harm, except insofar as God their master is pleased to permit.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 37

The one who loves providence will be like this ......

"If anything adverse befalls him, he will raise his mind to God, whose hand is most effectual in impressing us with patience and placid moderation of mind."

"To calm all the impulses of passion, the most useful consideration is , that God arms the devil, as well as all the wicked, for conflict. Then sits as umpire, that he may exercise our patience."

"We would be miserable, if left under the dominion of chance."

"But when once the light of Divine Providence has illumined the believer’s soul, he is relieved and set free, not only from the extreme fear and anxiety which formerly oppressed him, but from all care. For as he justly shudders at the idea of chance, so he can confidently commit himself to God. This, I say, is his comfort, that his heavenly Father so embraces all things under his power—so governs them at will by his nod—so regulates them by his wisdom, that nothing takes place save according to his appointment; that received into his favour, and entrusted to the care of his angels neither fire, nor water, nor sword, can do him harm, except in so far as God their master is pleased to permit. For thus sings the Psalm, “Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust; his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday” &c. (Ps. 91:2-6). Hence the exulting confidence of the saints, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? The Lord taketh my part with them that help me.” “Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.” “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” (Ps. 118:6; 27:3; 23:4)."

A Boomer in the Pew Contest

A Boomer in the Pew is hold a contest in honor of its 1st birthday. It will be giving away a calfskin ESV study bible. You can learn more here

Doxology Ringing in My Head

The doxology is such a great hymn to get stuck in your head!

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 36 1.17.3 - 1.17.7

With the doctrine of Providence comes many questions and many objections from the unbeliever. Who will say that if God is Provident over all actions, then why should we punish those that do wrong. "Was it not God's Providence that lead to that action?" They will say if God's Providence is true then what should be my reason for taking medicine or even take the safe walk home?

Calvin provides great answers to these questions, answers we should take to heart if we ever plan of discussing the doctrine of Providence with others (which we should!)

In regard to the role of Providence in evil acts:

" God requires of us nothing but what he enjoys. If we design anything contrary to his precept, it is not obedience, but contumacy and transgression. But if he did not will it, we could not do it. I admit this. But do we act wickedly for the purpose of yielding obedience to him? This, assuredly, he does not command. No, rather, we rush on, not thinking of what he wishes, but so inflamed by our own passionate lust, that, with destined purpose, we strive against him. And in this way while acting wickedly, we serve his righteous ordination, since in his boundless wisdom he well knows how to use bad instruments for good purposes."

In regard to taking care of ourselves and watching out for our safety:

"For he who has fixed the boundaries of our life, has at the same time entrusted us with the care of it, provided us with the means of preserving it, forewarned us of the dangers to which we are exposed, and supplied cautions and remedies, that we may not be overwhelmed unawares.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 36

There are many vain uses of the doctrine of providence. It is not a cover or shield to hide your own sin behind saying, "God willed it". It is not a license to sit and wait for God to move your hands and feet before you would go. Rather we should look to scripture for instruction on what is pleasing to God.

See there is not a more freeing doctrine for the laborer than to know God has providence over all. So we should strive to run the race will all diligence, knowing our fate is secure.

Prov 16:9 is clear - "A man's heart devises his ways; but the Lord directs his steps."

And you know what? That's great news! If it were left to me I would step my way right into eternal damnation.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 35 1.16.9 - 1.17.2

It can be a difficult pill to swallow for some, this 'pill of providence', but like so many medicines, the taste may at first seem awful, but the effects are great, and therefore the medicines start to be our first defense, instead of a feared last resort.

"For while our adversities ought always to remind us of our sins, that the punishment may incline us to repentance, we see, moreover, how Christ declares there is something more in the secret counsel of his Father than to chastise everyone as he deserves. For he says of the man who was born blind, 'Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him'." Here, where calamity takes precedence even of birth, our carnal sense murmurs as if God were unmerciful in thus afflicting those who have not offended. But Christ declares that, provided we had eyes clear enough, we should perceive that in this spectacle the glory of his Father is brightly displayed."

Blogging The Institutes: Day 34 1.16.4 - 1.16.8

My brother and I like to say, "There are no such things as coincidences." We state this because by insinuating coincidence you are saying that an event, or series of events, happened randomly. And if there existed "random" events, God would not have full control of His creation, and if that were the case that would make him less than God. I believe that is the reason Providence is such a huge part of my faith. That our God must have full control and knowledge of everything that has happened and that will happen is crucial, if He doesn't have that power, then who is to say that He has the power to SAVE but not the power to control all the workings of His creation.

The ultimate reason that Providence has such an impact is that it IS the source of my strength. To know that I have a Creator God who has my back in all situations, and is continually working on my behalf for the good of me, that He may ultimately be glorified. Through the toughest of times I know He is working and in the best of times I know He is working. "When Abraham said to his son, God will provide, he meant not merely to assert that the future event was foreknown to God, but to resign the management of an unknown business to the will of him whose province it is to bring perplexed and dubious matters to a happy result."

"Hence we maintain, that by His providence, not heaven and earth and inanimate creatures only, but also he counsels and wills of men are so governed as to move exactly in the course which he has destined. What, then, you will say, does nothing happen fortuitously, nothing contingently? I answer, it was a true saying of Basil the Great, that fortune and chance are heathen terms; the meaning of which ought not to occupy pious minds. For if all success is blessing from God, and calamity and adversity are His curse, there is no place left in human affairs for fortune and chance."

Blogging The Institutes: Day 33 1.15.8 - 1.16.3

"Let him, therefore, who would beware of such unbelief, always bear in mind, that there is no random power, or agency, or motion in the creatures, who are so governed by the secret counsel of God, that nothing happens but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed."

As you can tell from the title of this blog one of the attributes I find myself most attracted to is the Providence of God, so you can imagine my joy as Calvin approaches this attribute at the start of the 16th chapter. He opens with this, "It were cold and lifeless to represent God as a momentary Creator, who completed his work once for all, and then left it." At first reading, this line made my heart sink. For the thought of that being true, that God would create this glorious work, and then leave it to run alone, is absolutely frightening and soul stealing. Lucky for us that is not the case, our Provident God continues to govern and direct His creation, leave us stress free and full of joy, for "without preceding to His Providence, we cannot understand the full force of what is meant by God being the Creator, how much soever we may seem to comprehend it with our mind, and confess it with our tongue."

Here are a few select quotes from these sections on Providence, please take a few minutes to soak these in, they have the power of changing your life:

"If one falls among robbers, or ravenous beast; if a sudden gust of wind at sea causes shipwreck; if one is struck down by the fall of a house or a tress; if another, when wandering through desert paths, meets with deliverance; or, after being tossed by the waves, arrives in port, and makes some wondrous hair-breadth escape from death--all these occurrences, prosperous as well as adverse, carnal sense will attribute to fortune. But whoso has learned from the mouth of Christ that all the hairs of his head are numbered, will look farther for the cause, and hold that all events whatsoever are governed by the secret counsel of God."

"No created object makes a more wonderful or glorious display than the sun. For, besides illuminating the whole world with it s brightness, how admirable does it foster and invigorate all animals by its heat, and fertilize the earth by its rays, warming the seeds of grain in its lap, and thereby calling forth the verdant blade! This it supports, increases, and strengthens with additional nurture, till it rises into the stalk; and sill feed it with perpetual moisture, till it comes into flower; and from flower to fruit, which it continues to ripen till it attains maturity. In like manner, by its warmth trees and vines bud, and put forth first their leaves, then their blossom, then their fruit. And the Lord, that he might claim the entire glory of these things as his own, was pleased that light should exist, and that the earth should be replenished with all kinds of herbs and fruits before he made the sun. No pious man, therefore, will make the sun either the necessary or principal cause of those things which existed before the creation of the sun, but only the instrument which God employs, because he so pleases; but these miracles God declared that the sun does not daily rise and set by a blind instinct of nature, but is governed by him in its course, that he may renew the remembrance of his paternal favor toward us."

"God is deemed omnipotent, not because he can act though he may cease or be idle, or because by a general instinct he continues the order of nature previously appointed; but because, governing heaven and earth by his providence, he so overrules all things that nothing happens without his counsel."

"Those who attribute due praise to the omnipotence of God thereby derive a double benefit. He to whom heaven and earth belong, and whose nod all creatures must obey, is fully able to reward the homage which they pay to him, and they can rest secure in the protection of him to whose control everything that could do them harm is subject, but whose authority, Satan, with all his furies and engines, is curbed as with a bridle, and on whose will everything adverse to our safety depends."

"I say superstitious fears. For such they are, as often as the dangers threatened by any created objects inspire us with such terror, that we tremble as if they had in themselves a power to hurt us, or could hurt at random or by chance; or as if we had not in God, a sufficient protection against them."

Blogging the Institutes - Day 35

" (on providence)..... it works at one time with means, at another time without means, and at another against means."

May it be crystal clear that the message of providence is God's active sovereignty and governance of all things, in the face of all doubts, moving as He wills, with no obstacles.

So how are we to apply this truth? There are many ways... here are 3

1)He has a purpose for all events good and "bad" - John 9:3, Ps 40:5

2) This truth calms fear -
"When the sky is overcast with dense clouds, and a violent tempest arises, the darkness which is presented to our eye, and the thunder which strikes our ears, and stupefies all our senses with terror, make us imagine that every thing is thrown into confusion, though in the firmament itself all continues quiet and serene. In the same way, when the tumultuous aspect of human affairs unfits us for judging, we should still hold, that God, in the pure light of his justice and wisdom, keeps all these commotions in due subordination, and conducts them to their proper end."

3) It steals our control - Romans 11:33-34

We All Must Pray

I came across a John Piper sermon at the end of 2008 firing us all up to make 2009 the greatest year of prayer in our personal and church lives. Justin Taylor posted this blog with a great summary of what Piper said.

My prayer for myself and all of you is that 2009 is truly a benchmark year for prayer. That we may all look back in 10 years and say 2009 was the year that our prayer lives really just took off!

Young, Restless, and Reformed

So there are a handful of people that know me well enough to know that I have a war of a time completing books. There are just so many out there that are great and I just love to filled with different points and ideas that I will continually pick up new books. Well I am working on winning this war and it started with the book Young, Restless, and Reformed. I was expecting to even read it, the title obviously caught my attention so I picked it up. After three days I had gone cover to cover.

It was an extremely well written tour of the Reformation Uprising among teens and 20-somethings. The book covers different on-campus ministries, interviews with John Piper, Marc Driscoll, and more. If your looking for a great casual read, that will encourage you and your reformed theology I would encourage you to read this book.

The author's name is Collin Hansen. Below is an article that he just posted discussing the book and what he may have done differently.

Humbly Loving & Acknowleding Others

Tim Challies has a great post relating to a quote from John Piper's new book Finally Alive. The post talks about how we should not be envious of other Christian's spiritual gifts or successes, but be joyful in them, for through their gifts the world will glorify God!

Here is the link:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blogging the Institutes - Day 33 & 34

"At present it is necessary only to remember, that man, at his first creation, was very different from all his posterity; who, deriving their origin from him after he was corrupted, received a hereditary taint. At first every part of the soul was formed to rectitude. There was soundness of mind and freedom of will to choose the good. If any one objects that it was placed, as it were, in a slippery position, because its power was weak, I answer, that the degree conferred was sufficient to take away every excuse. For surely the Deity could not be tied down to this condition,—to make man such, that he either could not or would not sin. Such a nature might have been more excellent; but to expostulate with God as if he had been bound to confer this nature on man, is more than unjust, seeing he had full right to determine how much or how little He would give. Why He did not sustain him by the virtue of perseverance is hidden in his counsel; it is ours to keep within the bounds of soberness. Man had received the power, if he had the will, but he had not the will which would have given the power; for this will would have been followed by perseverance. Still, after he had received so much, there is no excuse for his having spontaneously brought death upon himself. No necessity was laid upon God to give him more than that intermediate and even transient will, that out of man’s fall he might extract materials for his own glory."

In coordination with my last post, i wait patiently, but anticipate with great joy, the returning of my Savior and the total restoration of my soul to it's original state. For this is the only true fix of my inconsistency. But I labor with God in the sanctification of my should here on earth, knowing the promise "I am being transformed from one degree of glory to another..... and He who began a good work in me, is sure to complete it."

Part 2 - Separate thoughts beginning in Ch. 16

The Providence of God

"Whoso has learned from the mouth of Christ that all the hairs of his head are numbered. will look farther for the cause (of any event), and hold that all events whatsoever are governed by the secret counsel of God."

"But as unbelievers transfer the government of the world from God to the stars, imagining that happiness or misery depends on their decrees or presages, and not on the Divine will, the consequence is, that their fear, which ought to have reference to him only, is diverted to stars and comets. Let him, therefore, who would beware of such unbelief, always bear in mind, that there is no random power, or agency, or motion in the creatures, who are so governed by the secret counsel of God, that nothing happens but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed."

Coincidence is a utterly sinful word to me. Faith will produce an understanding that all things work in accordance with God's plan. Nothing can thwart it. Therefore, no act on this earth happens merely because the right mix of two variables exist. Some may say, "your taking God's providence to far", my response ..... I would rather err on the side of attributing every atom, every circumstance, ever event to God, than create a list of things He does not tend to.

Let it be clear that providence is an active involvement in all events of this world. Honestly, I gladly submit to God's providence over chance, for "He works out all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Even if the "thing" is death.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 28

I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about angels and the role they play. Mainly because the idea never seemed really clear to me in scripture. Calvin clarifies this topic for me and gives a good perspective.

"Angels are ministering spirits whose service God employs for the protection of his people, and by whose means he distributes his favors among men, and also executes other works."

How loving a God to reassure our doubting, terrified spirits with the constant protection from multitudes of angels. Not that He needs help, but simply that he knows we are weak and need reassuring.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blogging the Institutes - Day 32

"There is nothing more inconstant than man.. contrary movements agitating and distracting his soul."

This is the result of the Fall.

This quote defines me. It's devastating some days and painful everyday. My inconsistency is a constant source of repentance for me. I battle with myself minute by minute to resist the temptations my flesh would so enjoy, that my selfishness would love to consume, that my idolatry would love to worship. All I can do is pray and preach to myself the truth...."Your grace is sufficient.....I am more than a conqueror....... what can separate me from the love of Christ.....thought I sit is darkness the Lord will be my light, I will bear the indignation of the Lord until He pleads my case..... renew a right spirit within me, Oh God."

Thank you Father for never leaving me and giving me the Holy Spirit that moves in my heart to restore the joy of your salvation. You never fail.

Truth always remains, even when my feeling would have me believe something else........ Which do you trust?

Blogging The Institutes: Day 32 1.15.4 - 1.15.7

In further discussion of the soul Calvin writes that the soul contains the true "image" of God in which we are created, for as Paul tells Aratus (Acts 17:28) that we are God's offspring not in substance, but in quality, in asmuch as he has adorned us with divine endowments, and it is the soul that regulates the conduct of our bodies, "this it (the soul) does not merely in regard to the offices of a terrestrial life, but also in regard to the service of God. This, though not clearly seen in our corrupt state, yet the impress of it remains is seen in our very vices. For whence have men such a thirst for glory but from a sense of shame? And whence this sense of shame but from a respect for what is honorable? Of this, the first principle and source is a consciousness akin to religion. But as man was undoubtedly created to meditate on the heavenly life, so it is certain that the knowledge of it was engraved on the soul. And, indeed, man would want the principal use of his understanding if he were unable to discern his felicity, the perfection of which consist in being united to God. Hence, the principal action of the soul is to aspire thither, and accordingly, the more a man studies to approach to God, the more he proves himself to be endued with reason."

For those who say that Christianity is a blind faith, or a small man's wonder, the are wrong. For as Calvin points out that the more a man studies the approach to God, the more he is lead by reason, to that knowledge of God. It is our soul's (remember the soul is truly our likeness of God) way of showing we are on the right path or mission. That the fuzziness of God becomes clearer.

Calvin further breaks down our soul into consisting of two faculties: intellect and will

The "office of the intellect being to distinguish between objects, according as they seem deserving of being approved or disapproved; and the office of the will, to choose and follow what the intellect declares to be good, to reject and shun what it declares to be bad...let it be enough to know that the intellect is to us, as it were, the guide and ruler of the soul; that the will always follows its beck, and waits for its decision, in matters of desire."

So i can kinda sense were this is going.... and its blowing my mind!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 31 1.15.1 - 1.15.3

Only humans were created in such a manner as to be part body and part soul, and as Calvin points out, the soul is really the defining difference between man and other created beings. But this division of man into soul and body is not widely accepted to be true. We know, as having this idea imprinted on our hearts, as the image bearers of God, that we are indeed both body and spirit. And of utmost importance, the spirit is an immortal spirit for as Solomon speaks of death saying that the spirit returns to God who gave it, and Jesus speaks of his commending his spirit to the Father, and Stephen speaks of his spirit ascending to Christ, "that when the soul is freed from the prison-house of the body, God becomes its perpetual keeper."

In defense of the immortality of the spirit Calvin lays out very helpful arguments:

"Conscience, which, distinguishing between good and evil, responds to the judgment of God, is an undoubted sign of an immortal spirit. How could motion devoid of essence penetrate to the judgment of God, and under a sense of guilt strike itself with terror? The body cannot be affected by any fear of spiritual punishment. This is competent only to the soul, which must therefore be endued with essence. Then the mere knowledge of a God sufficiently proves that souls which rise higher that then world must be immortal, it being impossible that any evanescent vigor could reach the very fountain of life."

"But the swiftness with which the human mind glances from heaven to earth, scans the secrets of nature, and after it has embraced all ages, with intellect and memory digest each in its proper order, and reads the future in the past, clearly demonstrates that there lurks in man a something separated from the body. We have intellect by which we are able to conceive of the invisible God and angels -- a thing of which body is altogether incapable. We have ideas of rectitude, justice, and honesty, ideas which the bodily senses cannot reach. The seat of these ideas must therefore be a spirit. "

"No, sleep itself, which stupefying to man, seems even to deprive him of life, is no obscure evidence of immortality; not only suggesting thoughts of things which never existed, but foreboding future events."

How true.

Blogging the Institutes - Day 31

There is a before and after effect of sin on humankind. We were different before the fall and we need to understand what changed upon at this act. See, we might be tempted to attribute out current state as humans, to God, due to the fact that we personally know nothing different than our depraved state. We ought to know our origin is of clay and dust. This dust was breathed on by God and given an immortal soul. Little do we focus on this miracle, taking for granted out own design. This soul being immortal means it will have a home outside of it's fleshly body. For the believer, God becomes the soul's homes, for the unregenerate, the darkness of Hell.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blogging the Institutes - Day 30

Ending Ch. 14 with straight up Calvin.

"How ungrateful, then, were it to doubt whether we are cared for by this most excellent parent, who we see cared for us even before we were born! How impious were it to tremble in distrust, lest we should one day be abandoned in out necessity by that kindness which, antecedent to our existence, displayed itself in a complete supply of all good things."

" As often as we call God the Creator of heaven and earth, let us remember that the distribution of all the things which he created are in his hand and power, but that we are his sons, whom he has undertaken to nourish and bring up in allegiance to him, that we may expect the substance of all good from him alone, and have full hope that he will never suffer us to be in want of things necessary to salvation, so as to leave us dependent on some other source; that in everything we desire we may address our prayers to Him, and, in every benefit we receive, acknowledge his hand, and give him thanks; that thus allured by his great goodness and beneficence, we may study with our whole heart to love and serve Him."

Blogging The Institutes: Day 30 1.14.19 - 1.14.22

As chapter 14 comes to a close so does Calvin's exhortation of the Creation and how we are to experience and learn about God in it. And as Calvin states, it was not be means of completion that he has decided to put a cap on this subject but only that if, "we were to attempt to go over the whole subject we should never come to a conclusion, there being as many miracles of divine power, as many striking evidences of wisdom and goodness, as there are classes of objects, no, as there are individual objects, great or small, throughout the universe!"

How loving is our God that, "he was pleased to display his providence and paternal care toward us in this, that before he formed man, he provided whatever he foresaw would be useful and salutary to him."

"To conclude, in one word (yea right!); as often as we call God the Creator of heaven and earth, let us remember that the distribution of all the things which he created are in his hand and power, but that we are his sons, whom he has undertaken to nourish and bring up in allegiance to him , that we may expect the substance of all good from him alone, and have full hope that he will never suffer us to being want of things necessary to salvation, as to leave us dependent on some other source; that in everything we desire we may address our prayers to him, and, in every benefit we receive, acknowledge his hand, and give him thanks; that thus allured by his great goodness and beneficence, we may study with our whole heart to love and serve him."

Blogging The Institutes: Day 29 1.14.12 - 1.14.18

We are at war. Not against a nation, but against an evil legion, a union of dispicable hosts.

"One thing which ought to animate us to perpetual contest with the devil is, that he is everywhere called both our adversary and the adversary of God. For, if the glory of God is clear to us, as it ought to be, we ought to struggle with all our might against him who aims at the extinction of that glory.

We are at war. We are in a fight. We must constantly be on our toes, sharpening our tools, Reading Scripture and Praying for strength so that we may retain God's rightful Glory for himself!

Blogging The Institutes: Day 28 1.14.6 -1.14.11

I can't honestly say that I have spent the time or effort to better understand the role of angels in our everyday life. So I felt very intrigued, encouraged, and strengthened while reading through Calvin's exhortation of angles and their purpose.

"If we consider why it is that God, instead of acting directly without their agency, is wont to employ it in manifesting his power, providing for the safety of his people, and imparting the gifts of his beneficence. This he certainly does not from necessity, as if he were unable to dispense with them. Whenever he pleases, he passes them by, and performs his own work by a single nod; so far are they from relieving him of any difficulty. Therefore, when he employs them it is as a help to our weakness, that nothing may be wanting to elevate our hopes or strengthen our confidence. It ought, indeed, to be sufficient for us that the Lord declares himself to be our protector. But when we see ourselves beset by so many perils, so many injuries, so many kinds of enemies, such is our frailty and effeminacy, that we might at times be filled with alarm, or driven to despair, did not the Lord proclaim his gracious presence by some means in accordance with our feeble capacities. For this reason, he not only promises to take care of us, but assures us that he has numberless attendants, to whom he has committed the charge of our safety, that whatever dangers may impend, so long as we are encircled by their protection and guardianship, we are placed beyond all hazard of evil."

How great is our God. How loving is our Father. For He foresees all in our paths and sets us up for success. He provides all the strength and support we could ever need to accomplish His mission.

At this point I am simply overwhelmed by His Love.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 27 1.14.1 -1.14.1

So just as personal recap, Calvin divided his Institutes into four separate books. The current book is centered around the knowledge of Creator God. To this point we have looked an many many different angles ranging from how we are to see the Creator God in ourselves, in the earth, and how He gave us the Scriptures as a guide to lead us to this deeper knowledge of the Creator God.

One thought that continually strikes me is how much time and precision Calvin put into organizing the books as he did. With this we know why he paid careful attention in building the foundation of relying solely on Scripture as our guide, for as we get deeper and deeper into the workings and attributes of God, many questions will arise, and Satan will use those opportunities as doorways less we head them off with sound Scripture.

Calvin begins to address a few concerns he must have been approached with in his day, for chapter 14 begins by addressing the understanding that there are things we humans just will not know while on earth. There are things we cant comprehend and there are things that God may have just wanted to keep to himself. He is after all, God. Fortunately for us God is a loving God and will supply us with all the knowledge we NEED. For instance God allows for us to peak into the creation of the world. HELLO!! a window into the creation of the world. Pretty cool.

So as Calvin states, "Therefore, let us willingly remain hedged in by those boundaries within which God has been pleased to confine our persons, and, as it were, enclose our minds, so as to prevent them from losing themselves by wandering unrestrained."

Blogging the Institutes - Day 27

Why tell us the story of Creation?

- To give us something to lean on, because we would wonder all around truth were God not to directly state it.

"For as an eye, either dimmed by age or weakened by any other cause, sees nothing distinctly without the aid of glasses, so if scripture does not direct us in our inquires after God, we immediately turn vain in our imaginations."

To ponder creation, time & space, the heavens..... is a dangerous game. We can come to some conclusion and it be totally wrong. So let us take Calvin's advice on the matter...

"Let us willingly remain hedged in lay those boundaries within which God has been please to confine out persons, and, as it were, enclose our minds, so as to prevent them from losing themselves by wandering unrestrained."

Blogging the Institutes - Day 29

Last word on angels....

"Whatever, therefore, is said as to the ministry of angels, let us employ for the purpose of removing all distrust, and strengthening our confidence in God. Since the Lord has provided us such protections, let us not be terrified at the multitude of our enemies as if they could prevail notwithstanding his aid, but let us adopt the sentiment of Elisha, that more are for us than against us."


I would like to quote Book 1 Ch. 14 sec 13 in it's entirety, I wont, but I would like to. This section is to let us know that the enemy we face is strong, but at each instance where we see/realize his strength, we must know we have armor stronger than his darts, a faith that can defeat his every advance. So " we must not be cowardice, but, on the contrary, with minds aroused and even on alert, let us stand ready to resist; and knowing that this warfare is terminated only by death, let us study to persevere. Above all, fully conscious of our weakness and worst of skill, let us invoke the help of God, and attempt nothing without trusting Him, since it is His alone to supply counsel, and strength, and courage, and arms!"

The number of enemies may be infinite, but if God's glory is dear to us, as it should be, we ought to struggle with all our might against him who aims to steal it!

"God holds him (satan) bound and fethered by the curb of his power, he executes those things only for which permission has been given him, and thus, however unwilling, obeys his Creator, being forced, whenever he is required, to do him service."

What confidence is gained by rightly assigning God His power and satan his proper position underneath, doing only what God allows. I can only then rejoice in all circumstances for they are means to one end.... God's Glory

Side note:

While Calvin is dealing with these obscure issues (angels, devils, Satan, fall of angels etc...) my mind tends to be flooded with questions that the scriptures do not explicitly answer. During this flood I grow a little frustrated, i now know it is out of pride, b/c "we see it was the Lord's purpose to deliver nothing in his oracles which we might not learn for edification". So if the answer isn't in the Holy Word of God, then it isn't profitable for me, it may even harm me due to my sinful tendency, the same tendency that all fallen men posses, to create pride and self righteousness and steal God's glory. That is restful to a mind prone to wander.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 26 1.13.26 -1.13.29

Satan's twisting of words reminds me of the certain one-to-three word movie reviews that flash on all movie trailers, "AMAZING", "FULL OF ENTERTAINMENT", knowing that the full sentence may actually say "AMAZING how boring a film can be!" False teachers and false doctrines almost always are founded by Satan using one-to-three words out of context to "prove" his point. The abuse of the true Holy Trinity is no exception.

Quick Question?

Has Joel Olsteen ever read Matthew 10:34?

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Day 24, 25, & 26 - Because my response is the same!

"Let us willingly leave to God the knowledge of Himself."

John 1 and Phil 2:6-11 together put me on my face. Today Calvin was talking about Jesus as equal member of the Trinitarian Godhead and mentions these two passages. John 1 has been on my heart and in my head because of a few sermons I have heard over the last few days and paired with this Philippians passage the truth of Jesus' deity is oh so clear.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God….And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ"

"….Christ Jesus, who though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above all names, so at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

The thing that absolutely blows my mind is the fact that the only God made Himself, humbled Himself and came to earth in the form of a man. The holy, perfect, righteous God came and lived/ministered immersed in a sinful, selfish, and unrighteous world. Do you understand that? I mean it takes a lot for some people to humble themselves and shop at Wal-mart! The God of the universe was in heaven, surround by angels who worship Him, sing songs about Him and He left that to come and dwell amongst the very thing he hates, sin. And it was His choice! I mean, if I am honest, would I do that? And better yet He came because He loves us. He came to redeem us. He came namely that His name would be made known and worshipped by His redeeming work. The aim of his humbling was to serve and in serving make known the Greatness of Himself; So that, every knee would bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. That will happen you know.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 25 1.13.23 -1.13.25

There will be those that get lost in the labyrinth of human curiosity, and when the guidance of the divine is in front of them, they will choose to ignore it. It is this we witness when certain people question the Divine make up of the Trinity. They enter a labyrinth that no human mind can navigate, and when approached with a map (the Scriptures), the choose to navigate blind, eventually giving up, sitting in a corner, and crying.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 24 1.13.18 -1.13.22

"Hitherto our chief object has been to stretch out our hand for the guidance of such as are disposed to learn, not to war with the stubborn and contentious; but now the truth which was calmly demonstrated must be vindicated from the calumnies of the ungodly. Still, however it will be our principal study to provide a sure footing for those whose ears are open to the word of God. Here, if any where, in considering the hidden mysteries of Scripture, we should speculate soberly and with great moderation, cautiously gaurding against allowing either our mind or our tongue to go a step beyond the confines of God's word. For how can the human mind, which has not yet been able to ascertain of what the body of the sun consists, though it is daily presented to the eye, bring down the boundless essence of God to its little measure? No, how can it, under its own guidance, penetrate to a knowledge of the substance of God while unable to understand its own? Wherefore, let us willingly leave to God the knowledge of himself. In the words of Hilary, 'He alone is a fit witness to himself who is known only by himself'...let us remember that the human mind enters a labyrinth whenever it indulges its curiosity, and thus submit to be guided by the divine oracles, how much soever the mystery may be beyond our reach."

When I hit my next speed bump in the race of knowledge, I will reference this quote.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 23 1.13.13 -1.13.17

In discussing the Divinity of the Holy Spirit, Calvin approaches the topic in the same manor as the Divinity of The Son, that the "proof must be derived from the same sources. And it is by no means an obscure testimony which Moses bears in the history of the creation, when he says that the Spirit of God was expanded over the abyss or shapeless matter; for it shows not only that the beauty which the world displays is maintained by the invigorating power of the Spirit, but that even before this beauty existed the Spirit was at work cherishing the confused mass."

And as in the act of regeneration, "if regeneration to incorruptible life is higher, and much more excellent than any present quickening, what must be thought of him (The Holy Spirit) by whose energy it is produced."

If the Holy Spirit is not Divine, He losses his power to regenerate, and we lose our justification, and without the work of justification, my friends we are all doomed.

Praise God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for each of their roles in saving a fallen soul like me!

Day 23

This whole section is proof after proof of Jesus' claim to be the only God. He fulfills prophecies, He claims to be God, others perform miracles in His name, Stephen asks that Jesus would receive his spirit before taking his last breathe as stones crash against his head.

"Consider what kind of thing it is, and how great that the name of the Son alone is preached to us, though God commands us to glory only in the knowledge of himself."

(1 Cor 2:2 & Jer 9:24)

Why is that o.k.? Because Jesus is God.

Part 2

Holy Spirit = Author of regeneration (how awesome is that phrase to describe the Holy Spirit!!)


Author of future Immortality…. He bestows wisdom and faculty of speech….by Him we become partakers of the divine nature……justification is His work…… power, sanctification, truth, grace and every good thought are alone from the Spirit…."

"Now it ought not to be slightly overlooked, that all the promises which God makes of choosing us to himself as a temple receive their only fulfillment by His Spirit dwelling in us."

Those are some of Calvin's words on the Holy Spirit….. I just can't say it better.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 22

Some many heretical religious groups that claim to worship the same God of the Bible totally ignore John 1.  This is the clearest passage on the Divine nature of Jesus Christ.  It is the perfect explanation of the eternal existence of Jesus as the Word which existed before time began.  This Word, which is God, came in the form of flesh.  It is clear.


Pause for a minute and contemplate that last line.  God became flesh. For redemption's sake He humbled himself to human form.  Do we understand the full extent that God had to humble himself to become a man?  He is holy, perfect, and He became man to dwell among sin to redeem!  The believer should fall on his face is worship and thanksgiving upon hearing this truth! Phil 2:6

Day 21

I really could go a lot of different places with this post, but what is clearest to me in this portion of Calvin's words is the unbreakable connection of the three Persons of the totally unified Trinity all having unique characteristics.  In really facing this concept of the Trinity I feel like the person of the Father and the person of the Son are basically understood.  It is the Holy Spirit that I feel like gets generally ignored.  There is ignorance toward this third Person of the One Godhead.  For the Holy Spirit is the power within all believers to live transformed lives, to understand scripture, to receive wisdom, to be lights, to live opposed to the world.  The Holy Spirit is the power plant, the enabler.  Without the Holy Spirit's occupation of our hearts we are still dead.  So the ignorance has lead to a ignoring of the Spirit.  We don't seek It's help.  We don't rely on it to change us.  Essentially, by ignoring It, we rely on ourselves and when we do "good" we get prideful and self-righteous.  But if we recognize that the Spirit is the only reason we can do any good, then all we can do in response is praise!  We should all seek to count ourselves as nothing and count all good things as blessings from the Holy God.  We get joy by being His and He gets glory by our praise.

Blogging The Institutes: Day 22 1.13.8 -1.13.12

One of the single most important aspects we must acknowledge and understand of Christ is His Divinity. For if He is not Divine, He is not God, therefore He is not the Savior. Calvin presents verse after verse showing Christ's Divine history throughout scripture. Jesus was not a created being. He was the Word and the Word existed from the beginning therefore securing his Divinity and His power to die as Savior. For the Lord says in Isa 43:25 "I, even I, am he that blotteth out they transgressions for mine own sake". As Calvin states, " When, in accordance with this deceleration, the Jews thought that injustice was done to God when Christ forgave sins, he not only asserted, in distinct terms, that this power belonged to him, but also proved it by a miracle. We thus see that he possessed in himslef not the ministry of forgiving sins, but the inherent power which the Lord declares he will not give to another."

Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogging The Institutes: Day 21 1.13.4 -1.13.7

God is immense. He is Big. He is three in One. Our human words are not good enough, not detailed enough, not expansive enough, to describe Him in enough detail to give Him justice. So as our forefathers have attempted to write about the attributes of God, it was not with the idea that they were finally the ones, the "enlightened" to be able to grasp God enough to write attributes about Him. As Augustine said, that he could not describe God at the level that would ever satisfy him, but God was to great, and so high of a matter, that he could not pass on in silence without attempting to show how the Father, Son, and Spirit are three.